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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Guess Who's Back?

Hello, lovelies!
Yes, yes, and yes. I know I've been worse than rubbish at being consistent with this little blog of mine (new name suggestion perhaps?), and I haven't written in ages. I sincerely apologize for that, not only to you but to myself too I guess.

To be honest, it wasn't so much as a lack of material to write about, as it was the lack of motivation, and just pure, nasty laziness. As can be told from the state of consistency of this blog, I am a rather unhealthily lazy person; unfortunately, this laziness scarily also extends to, and clouds over the work I love too.

Anyway, now that the imminent apologies are out of the way, let me get back to writing what I came here to write. Well, to be honest, I have a couple of things I've thought about in these MIA months; perhaps I will be able to recall them hopefully and write them all down here for anybody that's reading.

I've strangely been more observant, more perceptive, in these past few months. It's not been the most pleasant of experiences, I'll say that. It definitely hasn't been pleasant noticing how different the human behaviour really is than what we've taught our brain to think and process it as.

I realize those are just fancy words compared what I'm really trying to say; these past few months, I've come to realize that people are, in fact, not what they seem, or rather, not what I taught my brain to see them as. This realization isn't limited to outsiders, or just friends, no; I saw the ugly side of my family too.

Now, when I say "ugly side", I don't mean that in a derogatory way, no. I mean that exactly as I wrote above: they are not what I taught my brain to think of them. All these people, people I know, friends, family, acquaintances; I'm not sure whether they are at fault for seeming one way than they actually are, or if it is simply me who is at fault for not seeing them as they are, and thinking more of them than they actually are. Does that make sense?

I don't know. Maybe instead of being perceptive or observant, I've just been losing my damn mind, and now I'm only just sugarcoating it to make it seem better than it actually is. Whoa. Did I just relate my two opinions? Was this post all about foreshadowing?! (20 million points to anyone who can name that reference. I'm willing to bet 20 million points nobody actually can. But you can still try. I won't discourage you.)

I have to go, for now, I have a class to attend. It's the first day of class, and I'm slightly terrified and slightly anxious. Only slightly, though. (Not really. If you know me, you know there is nothing "slightly" with me.)

I hope I will remember enough of what I have in my brain right now to continue this post later. If not, too bad. Onwards and upwards.

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